Good design is
sustainable design

Advocates for sustainable design
As advocates for sustainable design, RJC's passion and commitment to responsive and responsible design is embedded into our everyday engineering practice. We have a passion for inspired green design which forces us to challenge norms regarding energy efficiencies and the materials used in each of our projects.
Specialists in sustainable design solutions
RJC is committed to delivering innovative solutions that benefit our clients and minimize economic, social and environmental impacts. With RJC’s significant group of in-house LEED Accredited Professionals and Green Associates, we continue to build upon our sustainable building strategy, knowledge and understanding. Our sustainable design specialists are knowledgeable in current sustainability standards in North America including:
RJC is proud to further commit to sustainability as a signatory of SE2050 – the Structural Engineers 2050 Commitment Program. The program provides an accessible sustainability program for individual structural engineers and structural engineering firms, with an accountable commitment strategy of active engagement on projects and sharing of information to achieve zero net carbon structures by 2050.
As a signatory of SE2050, RJC joins a growing list of companies that have pledged to understand, reduce and ultimately achieve net zero carbon by 2050. RJC’s Embodied Carbon Action Plan (ECAP) outlines how the firm will capitalize on its strengths to creatively and practically drive down carbon emissions associated with its projects while simultaneously helping to bring forward ideas and education to the industry. Learn more by reading RJC’s ECAP.

RJC embraces the principles of LEAN design and construction
Our focus on the economical, social and environmental impacts of our projects, form the basis of how we provide value to our clients and work with them to meet their sustainability goals. We are proud of our role as an industry leader in Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), and the sustainable design opportunities it presents.
Interested in discussing your next sustainable project?
Want to learn more about sustainable design and best practices?