YAHOO! The 62nd Annual CF Chinook Centre Stampede Breakfast was held July 9th. RJC Engineers showed support to the community event through flipping pancakes and our sponsorship proceeds went towards The Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation.
The 62nd Annual CF Chinook Centre Stampede Breakfast Back to Community (function($){ // get the images of the gallery and replace it by a canvas of the same size to fix the problem with overlapping images on load. $('img[width][height]:not(.uk-overlay-panel)', $('#wk-grid67d')).each(function() { var $img = $(this); if (this.width == 'auto' || this.height == 'auto' || !$':visible')) { return; } var $canvas = $(' ').attr({width:$img.attr('width'), height:$img.attr('height')}), img = new Image, release = function() { $canvas.remove(); $img.css('display', ''); release = function(){}; }; $img.css('display', 'none').after($canvas); $(img).on('load', function(){ release(); }); setTimeout(function(){ release(); }, 1000); img.src = this.src; }); })(jQuery);