The ultimate fundraiser for social distancing! RJC donated and supported Trevor Botkin (of HeroWork Victoria), in the HeroWork's Lift Challenge, to raise money for the Salvation Army Radical Renovation. Trevor was up on a man-lift for a total of 36hrs to raise $36K for the project. The event ended up raising over $45,000.00 to help purchase project supplies for the renovation.

HeroWork's Lift Challenge   Back to Community (function($){ // get the images of the gallery and replace it by a canvas of the same size to fix the problem with overlapping images on load. $('img[width][height]:not(.uk-overlay-panel)', $('#wk-grid16d')).each(function() { var $img = $(this); if (this.width == 'auto' || this.height == 'auto' || !$':visible')) { return; } var $canvas = $(' ').attr({width:$img.attr('width'), height:$img.attr('height')}), img = new Image, release = function() { $canvas.remove(); $img.css('display', ''); release = function(){}; }; $img.css('display', 'none').after($canvas); $(img).on('load', function(){ release(); }); setTimeout(function(){ release(); }, 1000); img.src = this.src; }); })(jQuery);